Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you embark on a mission all in the name of faith, and at the end of the day the whole thing ended up in fiasco, total failure. Listen, I have been there. I have listened to pastors preached about faith, that if you have faith you can move mountain, if you do not doubt in your heart you will ask God for anything and he will do it for you. All things are possible if only you believe. These teachings have put a whole lot of believers into trouble because even the pastors are preaching what they themselves do not understand. It got to a point I was frustrated and I went to God In a conversation and I said father please teach me "faith" what is the meaning of faith. And I was amazed that God answered. Wow, he thought me faith himself, what am about to share with you is not something I heard from a pastor, is not from a book, it is what God thought me. Now I know why most people's faith don't work. Let's dig into it:
First of all you need to understand that there are four levels of faith, so it depends on what you want to accomplish that will determine which of the level of faith can get it done. Just as there are several cutting materials, we have razor blade, knife, cutlass, saw, scissors etc. So what you want to cut will determine the kind of tool you will use. But funny enough when it comes to the issue of faith some people want to cut a tree and they are using scissors, and they wonder why the thing is not cutting, they'll be like, "but my pastor told me this thing can cut, how come it's not working, but they do not understand that faith has levels.

  • Faith towards God
  • Measure of faith
  • Gift of faith
  • The just faith
1. Faith towards God works with encounters. Bible says he that comes to God must first of all believe that he exists and he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. That means that a man can not come closer to God without first of all believing in God, but how can a man believe if God has never done anything in his life. So what God does is to manifest himself to everyone on earth through one way or the other, there will be circumstances where he will help you, deliver you or do something remarkable for you that will make you start to think that " there must be a God somewhere. It could be he rescuing you from an accident scene and that will birth a faith towards God. Faith towards God is the reason people believe in God. Some peole never get passed this level. Even though this level of faith can get things done but it can not get all things done. Remember the illustration of different kinds of cutting materials I gave the other time. Funny enough this was the level of faith that David used in killing goliath. He said the God who rescued me in the hands of the bear and the lion He will deliver this philistine into my hands. He went ahead on that mission based on his previous encounters with God. But as David grew older, he never operated this way again, we find him always inquiring to know the mind of God before he goes for any battle, if he is not sure he will go back and ask again. So there is a level yiu get to, you don't just assume God will do things because he did it yesterday. That was why Joshua and his people were defeated by a small town called "AI" because they walked based on encounter, thinking the God who delivered Jericho into our hands will destroy this one too, not knowing that something has gone wrong. If they had consulted God before going they wouldn't have been a victim.

2. Measure of faith, every believer has a measure of faith according to how the holy spirit has dealt with us during salvation. This measure of faith is what aids the believer to be able to pray to God and expect that he will answer, unbelievers do not believe God can answer their prayers, that is why they are looking for someone to pray for them or to consult an oracle for them. The measure of faith is given to a believer during the salvation experience. Based on this measure of faith their are some things you can embark on without a clear cut direction from God and it will work out but not all things this faith can do. This is the babish faith which we use in praying when we just got born again. At this time it could be raining and you pray to God for it to stop and a minute latter the rain stops,you will be very happy as a baby in the lord and you will believe God the more, there by helping your faith to develop.

3. The Gift Of Faith: this one, it's not everybody that has it, this kind of faith is given to some people when they received the holy ghost baptism. It is listed among the nine gifts of the spirit. People who have this gift of faith can dare something's that will baffle you when you hear the story. This kind of faith births miracles etc.

4. The Just Faith: When the bible says that the just shall live by faith, it is not talking about any of the above discussed faith, as a matter of fact, this is the actual recommended level that God expets every believer to get to and operate in. This is the level of faith that David operated in and he never lost any battle through out his life time. This is the faith that never fails. This is the faith can get anything done at anytime. It is called "taking action based on what God has told you" that's all. That is it. Anything God says will come to pass. So when you act on his instructions you will have victory all the time. Am not talking about picking a verse in the bible and using it to embark on something, doing that is good but that belongs to the encounter level, sometimes you confess scriptures on a matter and it doesn't work, you need to find out the mind of God concerning a matter before you embark on it. Do not start something and start begging God to back you up latter. Once you know the mind of God concerning a thing, you can take action based on his consent. This is the faith that produces results all the time, anytime any day. If you do things because God told you to do them you are sure of success. But when you do not hear a word from God, you just believe In God and you set out to achieve something, sometimes it may work and sometimes it doesn't work because God expects you to consult him before you begin in the first place. When you check through all the people mentioned in the hall of faith in Hebrews 11, you will discover they are people who did things because God told them to do it. They did not just embark in a mission because they believed God. Abraham left his parents and family to go on a journey because God told him to do so, Joshua went round Jericho because God told him to do so, moses went to believer the Israelites because God told him to do so, David had victory all the time because of what God told him .... And so on. So if you want to have victory all the time if you want your faith to produce result, it is the faith that acts based on what God has said to you personally. Not based on the message you listened to. Listening to messages can boost your faith but not give you faith. When the bible says faith comes by hearing it's not talking about listening to messages, a lot of pastors have quoted this scripture in order to sell their tapes in church but it actually says, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God" in other words, the voice of God. The next time you see someone on a mission so massive ask them, whay has God told you concerning this thing you are doing or about to do. Doing things without hearing a word from God could lead to serious disaster sometimes . My name is Jazzomoney. Visit my personal website at GAWPROJECT to know more about me. - Jaaziah Peters.

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