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Principle number two: A mad man is always talking.
You being in business and the people in your locality don’t know about you is a sign that you are not serious. You have not done your homework. Get out now and talk to every single person you meet about you and what you do. Tell them about your business, music, blog, whatever brand that you are building or working on. If you strongly believe it will be big someday, then it is high time you started talking about it.
There are three (3) aspects of talking:

  • 1.      Talking to yourself and the atmosphere
  • 2.      Talking for awareness
  • 3.      Talking to make a Profit

1.      Talking to yourself and the atmosphere: Words are spirits, the words you speak do not die nor fall to the ground; they transform to form a reality of what is being spoken of. Jesus said; the words that I say unto you they are spirits and they are life”. If you have the intention of going global with your business or career, start speaking it into the atmosphere now, the earlier you start the better it will be for you because words take some time or years to be converted to its physical equivalents. Every morning when you wake up, say to yourself;
“Am a global man/woman, I travel around the world with ease. Every country is granting me visa. Every country I enter, I reside at the presidency. The entire forces of the universe are working together to propel me to a global state. I hit global stardom in a short while. My journey in life is smooth and easy. I am favored beyond measure. My steps are ordered, my movement is orchestrated positively by God’s divine nature. I am always at the right place at the right time, doing the right things with the right people and I achieve the right good result. Things are working out well for me. All things will work for my good. I can never be disadvantaged
2.     Talking for awareness: This is another aspect of talking you need to start maximizing in order to be successful with the mad-man principle; be the number one advert agent to yourself, you need to be a signpost always pointing people to your business, dream, career or whatever you want to be known for .
Never be in business and people don’t even know about it. Never nurse an ambition in your heart, DECLARE IT! Let the people know what you stand for. Ambitions don’t come true in the heart; you need to print them out. Talk to everyone and anyone about what you do, let them know, let the word out, and let it start to fly. Before you know it, that person you tell will tell another person who might also tell another person; that is how great words fly; it is remarkable.
When you meet new any person, after greeting them and telling them your name, the next thing is to tell them about what you do, immediately, never wait for a better time to do that, there might never be a good time. Once you have the privilege of introducing yourself to a person, group of people at an event always introduce your business too. That is the way forward. Never be more popular than what you do.  Most times people know you or they have met you either once or twice but they still don’t know what you are into. From this day henceforth make a resolution to always introduce yourself and your business/dream together at the same time IMMEDIATELY!

3.      Talking To make a Profit: Fame that does not culminate to money is nonsense. If people know you and still they are not giving you their business to do or inviting you, depending on what you are into, then there is problem. And you need to find out what the problem is. Talking to make a profit is different from talking for awareness. Talking for awareness is just to let the person or people know what you do. Talking to make a profit is actually where the deal is done, this is where you need to talk in order for someone to hire you, employ you, give you the business, or invite you. Don’t ever make the mistake of begging to be on a show or begging to get a business deal or begging to be hired. You are not a beggar. A beggar gets things from people by getting them to pity him, so he displays his weak side to obtain mercy. But you have to be creative about getting people to pay for your service. Instead of begging, show them a million reason they should hire you or give your business a trial because they may have other people they are using or doing business with and they are unwilling to change. So you have to sit down and think and come up with a list of the edge you have over your competitor. What does someone stand to gain if they do business with you, Why should I bring my child to your new school, why should I hire you as a new musician when I can go for superstars to boost my show or business; why should I buy your new product when there are dozens of alternative in the market; So you have to do your homework and come up with genuine and honest answers to these questions. Do not try to scheme. Don’t promise what you cannot deliver, you don’t want someone buying your product and telling ten other people how bad and fake your product or service is. You are positioning yourself on a disadvantaged

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