HOW TO LOCATE YOUR SUCCESS. Jaaziah Peters . Jazzomoney

We are in this world to meet people. Every person you meet, every contact you make, always search for the seed of greatness in that person. What makes that person unique, what makes them thick. The secret of every success is in the story. As you celebrate their glory also try to know their story. A mere contact can turn out to be a connection, bond or network of friendship etc.
            Most times, the connection to the top is not at the top. The connection to higher places are found in lower places like the person you meet in your classroom today who will turn out to be the governor, senator, superstar musician tomorrow. How you handle that contact today will tell alot in the nearest future. That volcanizer can be your next connection to buy that landed property.
             As a boss do not treat your drivers badly because that poor driver can either drive you to your clients or to your grave. Your colleagues at work today will not be with you forever. Treat that contact well. A junior will become a senior tomorrow treat him well today while he is still at the bottom. The people you meet today are the connections you need tomorrow. I am Jaaziah Peters .
HOW TO LOCATE YOUR SUCCESS. Jaaziah Peters . Jazzomoney HOW TO LOCATE YOUR SUCCESS. Jaaziah Peters . Jazzomoney Reviewed by JAAZIAH PETERS on Tuesday, August 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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