A lot of people have problems but they don't know how to solve them. Problems and challenges are two different things. In the 21st century we don't like to say the word "problem" rather we call it "challenge". But that is not true. There are problems and there are challenges.
Challenges are negative situations that come to stare at you but when you face them head on and handle them well,you will move to a higher level in life. They come as a life test in order to promote you when you pass them. You become a better person in the end.
Problems are long standing issues,things that have been in your life for years and no matter what you do they do not seem to be changing, improving or going away. And this is impeding your success or progress. That is what a problem is.
But i have a news flash for you, everyone has one or two problems, challenges, difficult situations they are dealing with. What separates the boys from the men is how well we face our problems and solve them. Cowards run away. If you can endure well enough, problems have a way of running themselves out with time. The solution will surface some how.
Worries make problems go worse . A good smile attracts good things and people. Frowning makes you feel worse and kills your creativity. You can never be at your peak performance while frowning. It will rather bring out the worse in you. Nobody wants to be a friend to a sadist. Everyone likes to be around people who will make them happy. Be that person who make others happy and the solution to your problem will come to you. Jaaziah Peters. Jazzomoney
Monday, August 07, 2017
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