The use of words overtime changes, for example,few years back, the word "bad" was only used to describe something wrong,something out of place. But now in the 21st century "bad" is now used to qualify something good. Folks now see a fine brand new car and they go like "men! That car is bad," "am bad" . "bad" is now a word to eulogize any skillful display of talent.
Some other words have also been over flogged or used out of context, one of such words is the word "SECULAR". This word is usually used by religious folks. When someone is in the music or movies world and person produces a work without attaching or attributing it to the religious sect he belongs to, such a personal is referred to as being in the secular world. What they mean to say is that he has missed " THE WAY". He has gone outside "God's covering".
This word "secular" has now become a decoy of some sort leading most religious folks to deep penury and "destruction". It is not just lack of knowledge that destroys people. Having the wrong knowledge is a self trap to peril. This kind of belief prevents most religious folks especially Christians from reaching out to their world. They call that which God has cleansed " unclean ". Am not denying the fact that some intellectual properties have bad and corrupt contents. They use corrupt words,lyrics, scripts, and images and am not an advocate to that.
Am championing a course that says " present your message to mankind in general. Even the pioneers of all the existing religions brought their messages to humanity but only a few sect accepted their message. Those that accepted the message of Jesus were called Christians, those who accepted Mohammed became Moslem. Those for the Buddha are now called Buddhist. It makes me know that not everybody will accept your message but it does not stop you from presenting and making it applicable and useful for all.
Produce a song,movie,etc that every human being will benefit from and not just only those in your religious sect. There is no secular any where, it is just a word used out of proportion. It's time to TAKEOVER the world and its system. Jazzomoney. Jaaziah Peters. WISDOM EMPIRE
Monday, August 07, 2017
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