You may be reading this right now and you have a dream, vision, you have a load of songs that you have written but you do not have the money or resources to fulfill your dream and vision. Let me tell you something, when God wants to help you, what He does is to make you come across certain people or information that will eventually lead to your success. God does not come down to help anybody.
When you meet such people, they may not come to you directly, they may be in your new neighborhood, colleague at work, someone who knows somebody that can link you up with some other person that will lead to a huge breakthrough. Do not say if God wants them to help me they will do it, no, Solomon was the wisest man on earth at that time, and he did not wait for the other king to ask him, "what do you need".
When you know a person has the capability to make your dream come through, he or she has what you are looking for, do not hold your peace, voice out, let them about the vision you have, write a proposal. let them know exactly what you need to achieve this dream and tell the what they stand to gain in it. The human nature is driven by gain,greed and fear. when you want to achieve anything from someone, think of , which of these three do i need to stimulate in the life of this person, for them to do what i want.
I am not saying you should go round begging and bugging people to support your course. you need to be tactical about this. wisdom is profitable to direct.
Make Moves To Fulfill Your Life's Purpose/Assignment - jazzomoney
Saturday, August 05, 2017

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